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Thursday, September 25, 2008


Three jolly friends ccame to Train Stationi. It wasn't departure time yet, and off they went to a joint nearby to have some drinks. Still enjoying themselves, one of them suddenly look up and saw the Train they were waiting for slowly moving out of the station. They all ran towards the moving train but couldn't catch up with it. No choice except to wait for the next departing Train; they all decided.

They went back to the joint to finish off their drinks. Again, the second Train is slowly moving out. They all ran faster this time around, to catch the moving Train. Two who made it. The third, who is fat man coudn't make it; and the two who made it, frantically, waved him goodby. The fat man left behind just burst into laughter. When asked by the onlookers on why he's laughing rather than being sad. He said, those his other two friends that had gone with the Train only came to the station to see him off; that he is the only one trravelling.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


"Look, I don't give arms in the streets", comes out the words from a middle class Executive on his way to the office to a beggar, begging for alms on the street. Utterly disgusted, the Beggar retorted: "So, you want me to open an office for begging for Alms? Truly, we can learn a lot from those socalled Idiots.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


In the part of the world I come from; doves is superstitiously perceived to be the messengers of evil spirits. While a student in England in early eighties, I discovered Dove feathers inside my room one night. Fear gripped me and I could not sleep anymore throughout that night, only to discover (when the day break) that the Doves' feathers I found on my bed were part of the Doves' feathers the Englishman uses to stuff the pillows and that, no one ever sent Doves (perceived, here, to be messengers of the evil sprits) after me. Thank Goodness I didn't die of shock that night.