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Thursday, August 28, 2008


"I suddenly found myself inside a dark Tunnel and at the end of the Tunnel (where there was light) an old man angrily drove me back saying it wasn't my time yet to be in there".

"If that is what they called being dead, then, don't ever bother to revive me anytime I'm gone again; I was already in the midst of singing Angels at a very serene, clean environment; then, suddenly, I found myself back again in this sinful world".

"There I was, having my back against the ceiling and looking down, seeing the body I left behind how Doctors, Nurses and everyone there were battling to bring the body back to life. In appreciation of what they were doing, I just decided to return back inside the body".

Well, my dear readers, the above statements were the real life accounts of three persons who were in state of 'coma' for several days before they were revived and were each asked individually, to give account of where they had been during their period in state of 'coma'. Wonders will never seize to happen in this world!


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